Terms & Conditions Rev 2024

All communication should be directed to the business phone line 424-246-1789. You will experience delays in service or response if you do not communicate with the business phone line.

Upon your first appointment at The Balance Portal, you will be asked to complete a profile in our scheduling system if you have not done so already.



Our virtual session environment is centered In Self-Love, And Consist Of Mind, Body And Spirit Alignment Through SoulWork. Please meet in a quiet space to allow for guidance and healing. In light of this, please consider the following:

Plan ahead!

Be on time and ready for the coaching session, log in 10 minutes early.

Use a laptop or desktop if possible. Phone or tablet will work as well, horizontal orientation.

It is strongly recommended that you wear headphones during the session so you can hear and be heard. Consider setting up in a quiet place.

Bring a pen and notebook.

List your name on the screen & keep your video on. This is an interactive session.

Please refrain from using foul language.



#BPCS runs an appointment-based system on a first-come-first-serve basis. All sessions require an appointment.

All Appointments are made via our online booking system.

All clients are asked to register in our scheduling system at their first appointment if they have not already done so.

All appointment confirmations and reminders will be sent via email 48 hours prior to appointment and via text 24 hours prior, however it is the client’s responsibility to keep up with their scheduled appointments.

Not receiving a reminder will not be an acceptable reason for missed appointments. Cancellation fees will apply..

Please be on time for appointments. If you are running late please text the word LATE to 424-246-1789 with your estimated log-in time.

Your next appointment should always be scheduled before the session ends to ensure that you will stay on schedule. You are responsible for scheduling your appointment through our Scheduling link.

For your convenience, you may keep a credit card on file for payment of future appointments & services.



Clients are required to give 48 hours advance notice to cancel or reschedule a coaching session.

Cancellations or rescheduled appointments that are made less than 48 hours prior to the appointment will be charged 100% of the total cost of services scheduled and the cancellation fee will be due immediately.

Payments will be automatically charged to the card details you provided at the time of booking.

If payment is not successfully received, future appointments will not be approved until the cancellation fee is received.



Depending on the service, a deposit and/or full payment may be required. Please refer to your specific appointment type for applicable fees.

The deposit is applied to a coaching session should you need to reschedule and notice is received at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment.

If appointments are repeatedly missed, canceled, or rescheduled at late notice, you will be asked for full payment at the time of booking to secure any future appointments.

Prices and fees are subject to change at any time.



Vibration Consultation & Coaching Sessions

A 15-min Vibration Consultation is required for new clients. At this time consultations are FREE. The appropriate follow-up service will be determined at the consultation.

Coaching Sessions & Check-ins:

All initial coaching sessions and check-ins cannot be completed without a Vibration Consultation. However, you may go ahead and book a coaching session appointment that is at least 21-days after the consultation date to ensure that the desired date of service is available.

There will be NO refunds for services rendered.



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This Terms & Conditions was last updated on March 11, 20124.

© The Balance Portal 2025 All Rights Reserved

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